Instructions for Authors
1. Scope
Power System Protection and Control publishes academic papers with new techniques, new achievements, operation experiences, technical innovations and scientific management, technical regulations, or foreign advanced techniques in the field of power system protection and control including, but are not limited to, power system relay protection, power system analysis and control, power system planning, energy internet, new energy generation, smart substation, intelligent power transmission and consumption, influence of large-scale electric vehicles integration on power grid, micro-grid techniques, application of power electronics in power system, power system automation and remote control techniques, power system communication, electricity market, power quality, etc.
Manuscript submission is welcome.
2. Main Columns
Theoretical analysis, survey, application research, design and development, engineering application, special series on power industry development and hotspot, etc.
3. Manuscript writing requirements
3.1 General Rule
The submission should be concise, comprehensive, convincing, and fluent, uses simplified figures and tables, formula, and derivation process. The paper length should be limited to about 6 000 words generally (including the space of figures and tables).
3.2 Title
The title should be concise and comprehensive and should avoid foreign abbreviations as far as possible.
3.3 Author name and affiliation
Author names should be listed under the title. For Chinese authors, family names come before given names, with the first letters of each name capitalized. Foreign authors’ names are just the opposite. All author affiliations should be styled as follows. If all authors share the same affiliation, superscript numbers are not needed. For multiple authors, they should be grouped using superscripts to identify each affiliation. Abbreviations should not be used.
3.4 Abstract and Key Words
The abstract should be limited to approximately 200-300 words. It should be a summary of the paper that states objective, method, results and conclusion. There are 5-8 words as key words listed under the abstract.
3.5 Main text
The first line of the first paragraph of each section should be start flush left. All main text should be alignment double justified. It generally includes introduction, research method and analysis, research findings and conclusion. Section headings may be numbered consistently throughout the paper in Arabic numbers. Numbering of section headings and subsection headings is encouraged but should be used consistently throughout the paper. Equations should be centered, unless they are so large that less than 1 cm is left between the end of the equation and the equation number, in which case they may run on to the next line. Equation numbers should appear at the right-hand margin, and the number should appear on the next line when the equation is long. For very long equations, the right side of the equation should be broken into approximately equal parts and aligned to the right of the equal sign. The equation number should appear only at the right hand margin of the last line of the equation. All equations should be numbered in the order. The MS Equation Editor should be used in the text.
3.6 References
References should be listed before the section of author biographies that are at the end of the paper. At the point of citation within the main text, designate the reference by typing the number in after the last corresponding word, for example [1]. Reference represents the research basis of a manuscript, top-level academic papers should refer to some reference. The manuscripts accepted by Power System Protection and Control should cite at least 20 references. Please see the submission guideline for the reference format.
3.7 Foundations
The referred foundations of the submitting manuscripts should be listed. The name and number of the foundation are also needed and should be written on the bottom of the first page of the manuscript.
4. Manuscript Handling
4.1 Online Submission
Please login our official website for submitting manuscript and trace the manuscript process. Communication authors should fill in the accurate communication information so that editorial office can send sample issues and contribution fee. Manuscript should adopt Microsoft Word format.
4.2 Manuscript Handling and Acceptance
Upon receiving a manuscript, author will get a manuscript number. Editorial office will give a final decision on a manuscript within 90 days. Authors can terminate a manuscript handling beyond the time. After the peer review and editorial office final review, the manuscripts will be told accepted or rejected. For rejected manuscripts, editorial office will not reserve original manuscripts.
4.3 Manuscript Publishing
After proofreading by authors, the accepted manuscripts will be published. The final proof should not be modified largely, or else the manuscripts will be treated as a new submission or be postponed.
4.4 Academic Ethic
The submitting manuscript should be original. Power System Protection and Control oppose plagiarism in any form.
5. Copyright and Other Items
1) Upon acceptance, Power System Protection and Control enjoys all copyrights to the manuscripts, for example publishing the manuscripts in the form of CD or electronic version, being indexed in domestic and international database, if the authors opposed, please give a statement in the manuscripts. This journal has licensed the relevant retrieval system indexing in this journal at home and abroad to use, reproduce, and disseminate the articles published in this journal in the mode of digitization. After being published, editorial office should pay article fee to authors and send two sample issues. The payment has included the charge for using DC and electronic version copyright. Authors are deemed to agree with the above statement upon submitting their articles to this journal.
2) Manuscripts submitted by college students, authors should provide the tutors to editorial office. If the manuscript is prepared to be accepted, tutors should assist to check the manuscripts’ academic honesty.
3) Manuscripts should be written according the template of Power System Protection and Control.
4) Manuscripts should be fluent, concise, comprehensive, and convincing.
6. Licence
PSPC applies the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0)( permits unresticted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. PSPC has followed the OA policy of the journal since 2008, and it conforms to the definition given by DOAJ.
7. Fee of Publication
For the accepted manuscripts, Power System Protection and Control will charge a certain fee (about 500 RMB per page, at most 15 pages) to support the publication and production. The fee notice will be sent to authors via email.
8. Open access
All articles published by Power System Protection and Control are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Power System Protection and Control will have copyright of the manuscript upon acceptance, including the right to reproduce, publish, transmit, translate and edit the work. The authors can use or share the published article under the Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
Power System Protection and Control applies the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0)( which permits unresticted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Power System Protection and Control has followed the OA policy of the journal since 2008, and it conforms to the definition given by DOAJ.
9. Archiving and retrieving of the published issues
All the printed issues of Power System Protection and Control since 1973 had been archived in National Library of China. All the electronic issues are allowed to be retrieved from Official website of the journal as well as reputable databases such as CNKI and Wanfang Dada.
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