Synergistic optimization of phase modulation operation of hydropower units and power generation of new energy units
Key Words:hydropower units  transient overvoltage  new energy DC transmission  particle swarm algorithm
Author NameAffiliation
QI Zheng School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China 
JI Supeng School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China 
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Abstract:Following DC blocking in the new energy DC transmission system, transient overvoltage is generated, severely constraining the output of new energy units within the system. To address this issue, this paper examines the mechanisms behind transient overvoltage resulting from DC blocking in new energy DC transmission systems and their effects on new energy integration. Additionally, it introduces a coordinated optimization technique for integrating phase adjustment operations of hydroelectric units with new energy generation. A collaborative optimization model is established for the coordinated optimization of phase modulation operations of hydroelectric units and new energy generation, aiming to maximize the economic efficiency of system operations while considering constraints such as transient overvoltage. The traditional particle swarm algorithm is enhanced, and the improved algorithm is used to optimize the operational plans for both hydroelectric and new energy units. Based on a simulation example of a specific region’s actual power grid, the results demonstrate that the proposed model and method not only facilitate the integration of new energy but also effectively mitigate transient overvoltage in the new energy DC transmission system. This results in significant enhancements to both the economic efficiency and safety of system operations.
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